Wilf Richards
Permaculture, growing, teaching, organising
I have been learning about permaculture ever since stumbling across it in a squat in London in the early 90s. I completed my diploma in applied permaculture design in 2003 which was a combination of various designs in landscaping, community gardening, compost toilets, group facilitation and community development. Permaculture has shaped my ethics and values as I draw on nature as a teacher and guide towards a sustainable life. The design side of permaculture is my great passion as it supports problem solving, creative thinking, planning, organisation and learning.

Wilf’s Offerings
I am a permaculture teacher and run various permaculture courses every year including one day courses that can be combined to obtain your Permaculture Design Certificate. You can find out more about these courses by getting in touch with me using our contact form. I also help to manage the North East of England Permaculture Network, which I set up over ten years ago to support networking across the region in all things permaculture. Just ask me to add you to the mailing list if you wish to connect to other permaculture practitioners across the region or wish to know more about my permaculture courses.
I am also a diploma tutor for the Permaculture Association’s permaculture diploma programme. This programme is open to anyone that has completed their certificate course and wants to deepen their learning and experience of permaculture. I support apprentices with tutorials, mentoring, feedback on design work and assessment of designs to enable participants to fulfil the criteria for their diploma.
Veg Box Scheme
I manage the veg box scheme at Abundant Earth with Garden Manager, Lauren. In particular I pack the veg bags and look after veg box accounts and communications. I love anything to do with the recycling of organic matter such as making compost, nettle fertiliser and comfrey liquid. We have been growing veg, fruit and salads using organic methods for the local community for over 20 years.
We offer a weekly bag of veg in various sizes delivered to a range of pick up points around Durham City. If you would like to receive more information about the veg bags then complete this form, leave your details and I’ll be in touch with you soon.
Want to find out more? Complete the form or get in touch wilf.abundantearth@gmail.com