Jo Bolton
Basketmaking, willow craft, yoga and somatic movement
As a child I was often thrilled by countryside adventures with my family, fascinated by rock formations, river valleys, coastlines and wildness. My interest in this natural world developed and led me to a degree and then a Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture. Learning about plants and design, and exploring sustainability, with a postgraduate study into Utopian communities, informed my life to come. As a member of this community and workers co op I am a mother, a basketmaker and a yoga teacher.

Jo’s Offerings
Willow Work & Teaching
As a basketmaker and willow worker the whole process is important to me, from growing my willow, harvesting, sorting, and drying it, to preparing the willow, soaking and mellowing, and finally creating baskets. I love the ancient connection to the landscape and our heritage that this craft offers me.
Constantly learning, I am inspired by various teachers, and love to pass on what I have learned to my students. I run regular workshops on how to make baskets, both for beginners and for more advanced students.
My own baskets follow a curvaceous and often ergonomic form as I follow the path of the willow and the body. I take large and small commissions of made to order willow works, from contemporary backpacks and shoulder baskets to vases and laundry baskets.
Would you like to commission a willow work? Get in touch with me to organise a chat:
I also exhibit and sell my work at local craft fairs across the North east of England, join our email list to find out what’s coming up.
Every year in late winter/early spring we gather for our annual willow harvest. Using secateurs and loppers we cut, sort, and bundle the willow rods for the year's basket making, volunteers are welcome.
Join the mailing list to stay updated about willow volunteering and other exciting opportunities to get involved at Abundant Earth.
Yoga & Somatic Movement
Discovering yoga whilst Wwoofing in Spain, I was in awe of the space this created in my body and mind after a hard day's work. My teacher training, in the late 1990s began with the Iyengar tradition, but has since been informed by many other traditions and teachers, including Donna Farhi, Vanda Scaravelli, Uma Dinsmore Tuli, somatic movement and meditation.
I am currently a trainee in Somatic Experiencing, therapeutic treatment addressing stored trauma held in the body. These, and training in Well Woman Yoga Therapy and Energy Healing lead my classes to be fluid, soft, following the innate wisdom of the body.
Weekly online yoga class, get in touch to book your space;
Wednesdays at 9.30 till 10.45 am a gentle class using breath practice, somatic movement, yoga postures and yoga nidra. This class is suitable for all, those new to yoga and the more experienced.
Well Woman Yoga at Abundant Earth, get in touch to book your space;
A new season of Well Woman Yoga Therapy is beginning here at Abundant Earth, and will continue, roughly monthly , at about the time of New Moon. This nourishing monthly class is an opportunity to take time out from busy lives and come home to the peace within ourselves. This 2 hour class flows gently through meditation, breath practice, Somatic Movement, Yoga postures, yoga nidra and relaxation, and is open to all women.